Welcome to CTI Techtalkers! We are an open Toastmasters club that is committed to helping our members achieve their communication and leadership goals. We offer encouragement and support, a mentoring program and lots of fun while learning. Guests are welcome.

Meetings are held every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1 pm at 3553-31st St NW, Calgary, AB. Our club meets all year.

Members Bios

Meet our members in these short biographies!

Val, ACG, ALB - Past President of CTI 2010-2011
Val joined Toastmasters on a whim. Having no prior knowledge of the TMI organization, she was keen to 'get in, learn, and graduate' - that was before she learned that learning and self improvement have no finish line. Nine years later, Val is just a few steps away from achieving her DTM designation.
When she's not at Toastmasters, Val has her own business: consulting to clients on Homeopathic health care and consulting to dental offices on administration and patient care. She and her husband try to live a very active and healthy lifestyle with golf, hiking and running. Their daughter is currently in University completing her economics and finance degree and their son is in 3rd year University studying astrophysics.
Val has served at CTI as President (twice), Treasurer, Past President and has competed in contests at Club, Area and Division.

Darlene, DTM 
Since joining Toastmasters in 1998, Darlene has had the opportunity to learn a lot from her mentors and to give back by mentoring others. She is a strong believer in life-long learning and that it is never too late to do something your heart tells you is the right thing to do. Currently she is playing clarinet in a community concert band and striving to improve. Darlene is a Distinguished Toastmaster who has helped to charter four clubs and has received a number of awards for her leadership and communication skills. She is currently a member of the District 42 Mentoring Team. Darlene has served in the past as Area Governor, President, VP Ed, VP PR, Sec, and Treasurer. Recently retired from her work as a management consultant: business analysis, strategic planning and corporate performance, Darlene says she is having fun.

Simon Jackson, - VP PR 2012-2013
Simon claims he joined Toastmasters as part of a plea deal to get him out of a jail sentence. In typical 'Noob” fashion he immediately used the Easyspeak website to promise a heavy dosage of speeches and leadership roles that quickly failed to materialize. After trying to hide in the bathtub for a number of weeks he was eventually coaxed back to CTI by Val, who made him accept the role of VP PR and tried to encourage him to play well with others.When not at Toastmasters Simon does a million and one other voluntary roles, fancies himself as a writer, and seems to get by on not having a career. Other community roles are Treasurer of his local community association, Secretary-Treasurer of Elbow River Lodge #180, and former President Elect of a BNI chapter. When he grows up Simon is likely to be installed Dictator of a third world nation.