Welcome to CTI Techtalkers! We are an open Toastmasters club that is committed to helping our members achieve their communication and leadership goals. We offer encouragement and support, a mentoring program and lots of fun while learning. Guests are welcome.

Meetings are held every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1 pm at 3553-31st St NW, Calgary, AB. Our club meets all year.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Congratulations to the New Executive Team

The next time you see any of our incoming or outgoing CTI Club Officers, please give them your hearty thanks and congratulations. Our outgoing club officers have served us through some challenging times over the past year, have regenerated our club from 11 members to 19, and are working on completing the last of their duties before their term ends on June 30. The new executive team was elected on May 21, 2009 and will serve our club for the year July 1 2009 to June 30 2010.

Incoming Club Officers

President - Kevin H.
VP Education - Terry
VP Membership - Mary Jane
VP PR - Gaoming
Treasurer - Val
Secretary - vacant
SAA - Chris

Outgoing Club Officers
President - Rosario
VP Education - Mark P
VP Membership - Chris
VP Public Relations - Terry
Treasurer - Ibraheem
Secretary - Basheer
SAA - Gaoming