Val, incoming President, was our Toastmaster for the meeting and honoured our outgoing President, Kevin, with vote of thanks and a keepsake book.
CTI was pleased to recognize new members, Linda, Ruth and Edgar and welcome them to the club. Linda and Ruth will be presenting their icebreaker speeches at the June 24 meeting.
Table Topics Funfest was led by Marc who challenged the speakers with interesting questions that sparked a lot of humour and stories. The funniest one was by Laurie who regaled us with tales about going to the dentist as a child. Winners of the funfest were: First - Laurie, Second - Darlene, and Third - Ruth.
The most UMs award went to Edgar - our new member. It won't be long before Edgar will be able to pass the dubious award on to some other member.
Club of the Year ribbons were awarded to:
Best Gestures - Marc
Best Humour - Laurie
Most Improved Table Topics Speakers- Gaoming and Mary Jane
Most Enthusiastic Toastmasters - Chris, Rosario and Darlene
Val was awarded two prestigious awards: Toastmaster of the Year and President's Choice
Congratulations to all our winners!