On March 12, 2009, CTI Techtalkers will be holding the Club International Speech Contest and the Club Evaluation Contest. Please plan to come as a participant, an official or a very important audience member.
Any paid up member of CTI Techtalkers may participate in the Evaluation contest. My best advice is to try to get as much evaluation experience as you can by volunteering to evaluate club speakers or go and visit another club and offer to evaluate a speech there. You will learn a lot by participating in an evaluation contest as a contestant or as an official. In either case, there will be someone available to answer your questions and guide you in your role.
The International Speech contest is open to members who have delivered their first 6 manual speeches from the Competent Communicator manual prior to the contest. The speech should be 5-7 minutes long and is usually inspirational/motivational in nature.
The First Place winners of our Club Contests will go on to the Area J41 contest in early April. The winner of the Area J41 contest goes on to Division J contest on April 18 in Calgary, then to District 42 on May 1-3, 2009. The Evaluation contest is completed at the District level. But the International Speech contest winners go on to Region IV in June and then the Worlds in August. Members of our club in the past have competed up to the District 42 contest.
Everyone who participates learns something new from participating or from observing the best speakers from our club, area, division, and district. Have fun!